Das Blog von tze
2 Kommentare
Geschrieben von Benedikt Hotze
4. September 2010 um 13:05
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George Arbid
26. Okt. 10 um 18:52
Are there copyrights on this image of PCK 6 Building in Katowice?
Benedikt Hotze
28. Okt. 10 um 13:54
Yes, I hold the copyright. For which purpose do you need the image?
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George Arbid
26. Okt. 10 um 18:52
Are there copyrights on this image of PCK 6 Building in Katowice?
Benedikt Hotze
28. Okt. 10 um 13:54
Yes, I hold the copyright. For which purpose do you need the image?